1. | Mr. Mutambo Joseph | Chairperson |
2. | Mr. Samuel Kirabe Mugulusi | Vice Chairperson |
3. | Mr. Kawiiso Boniface | Treasurer |
4. | Mr. Isabirye Mathias | Head teacher |
5. | Ms. Kiirya Lydia | Member |
6. | Ms. Marie Goretti Nyangweso | Member |
7. | Ms. Kyobika Harriet | Member |
8. | Ms. Abeneitwe Peace | Teachers’ representative |
9. | Mr. Kiyuba Stephen | Teachers’ representative |
The BOG members present,
The PTA Executive,
Committee members,
The Headteacher and Staff of this College,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen in your various capacities,
Fellow Parents and our dear students.
I wish to begin by welcoming all of you to this annual family gathering. You are all most welcome.
Every year around this time, we always come together as a functional family of Jinja College to take stock of our achievements and also identify where we have fallen short so that together we find a solution. Apart from accountability, the other main objective of this meeting is to determine where we want to be in the next year, how we should get there and at what speed given our capabilities.
General Performance
- I would like to extend our most heartfelt appreciation for the peace and stability that has been established in the school. The headteacher and your administration, the staff and students, thank you very much. I urge you to continue strengthening the management structures in place for consistence and functionality. We appreciate the various structures, mainly the Board of Governors, PTA, staff and students’ leadership who work out compromises in a win-win style. Regular and productive meetings have consistently been held during the year. In the process we have developed the capacity to tolerate and work through conflicts. Indeed today’s meeting is another testimony to what I have already alluded to. Thank you Mr. Headmaster and your staff.
- The school has continued to register tremendous improvement in its efforts to provide excellent wholesome education. The headteacher’s report is expected to detail the specific achievements and all other aspects of learning as stipulated in our vision and mission.
In conclusion, I hope that at the end of this meeting we should be able to make an assessment as to whether the budget performance for the academic year 2019 substantially reflects what it was meant to do.
We need an attractive and conducive learning atmosphere. All our teachers and workers are as valuable as the buildings and equipment that we own and maintain. We must continue investing in our human capital if we are to realize our objectives as stated in the School’s vision and mission statements. It is imperative that our goals and values foster an ever deepening links to our teachers’ personal values, their dreams, objectives and mission.
We wish to expand the students’ learning space and improve the living conditions of the teacher’ residence. The budget proposal before you is seeking to address some of those challenges.
Finally, for the students you are encouraged to continue performing excellently as this is the major contribution that you can make to your school at this point in time. You should also exhibit a high sense of discipline wherever you go. You carry the flag of Jinja College which was uplifted by many of your predecessors for the last half of a century. It would be very unfortunate for the Jinja College flag to be lowered by your generation.
I would like to thank each and every parent for the great contribution you are making towards the development of Jinja College. As for the headteacher and your staff, may the Lord continue giving you guidance and wisdom to use all your energies to make Jinja College a better learning centre and un comparable school. I wish you fruitful discussions.