For a school whose motto is “Strive to Excel’ we have no other business except to search for excellence. Pursuit of excellence must be our passion, our obsession, full time occupation.
It should be clear to all our staff and students that we are not limiting ourselves to only academic excellence. Our call is to strive for excellence in all human endeavours. Naturally, the starting point must be commitment to personal excellence. The keys to unlock the door to personal excellence were given by Confucius (a Chinese): the will to win, the desire to succeed the urge to reach your full potential.
In practical terms, you must invest heavily in creative thinking and innovation. Your mindset must be that of an entrepreneur. It means learning to compete with self, raising the bar every after a self evaluation. It may appear intimidating but be encouraged by Aristotle’s observation:
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”. In case you still think the price for excellence is excessive, then ponder over the American Vince Lombardi’s inspiring statement: “When you remember that the quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour, you quickly appreciate why we should pay any price in pursuit of excellence”.
The products of Jinja College should be identified more by their inclination to the pursuit of excellence in dealing with the entire life spectrum than by the quality of their certificates. The same should be the case with long serving staff of Jinja College. Obsession with continuous improvement and a total commitment to excellence should be our trademark.
We wish to thank the Ministry of Education and Sports guidance and for the recent salary enhancement for the teachers.
- We thank the District and Municipal authorities for the routine inspection, support supervision and the timely payment of our salaries. This gesture motivates us to improve upon our service delivery.
- We appreciate the Board of Governors for the proper guidance and support rendered to us that enables us execute our duties effectively and efficiently.
- The PTA Executive committee for the resource mobilization, support in monitoring all school programmes and project.
- We further appreciate the silent heros and heroines the staff for the love, zeal, enthusiasm, commitment, dedication and bravery while executing your duties. I am greatly indebted to you. Society rarely recognizes our efforts not until a learner is successful.
- The parents’/guardian, your unwavering support cannot go unmentioned. Thank you a great deal for entrusting us with your sons and for the tireless support given. We urge you to continue trusting us. We pledge to do our very best.
- We appreciate students for accepting to study in this school. We pledge our boundless love, support and guidance. We encourage you to be focused and determined to achieve your goals. You are a lucky lot, do not take the fact that you are in Jinja College for granted. Make maximum use of your time in this school and success will come your way.
God’s blessings be upon you.
For God and my Country as we strive to excel.
Dhikusooka Michael